1st September 2021
I am delighted and honoured to advise that I formally take up the role of General Secretary of the CWU from today. As some of you may not know me that well, I decided to write you this brief message of introduction.
Originally from Galway I have worked for the Union for the past 20 years as a National Officer and most recently as Deputy General Secretary. Prior to this I also had the great honour to serve as President of the CWU and at all stations along the way. I am certain it is a proud moment too for the Galway Postal Branch, where I acquired much of the knowledge and skills that continue to serve me so well up to this very day.
I want to begin by saying how immensely proud I am of the work done by all members of the CWU from right across the country over the past eighteen months at the front lines of the national response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Communications workers kept telecoms and postal networks fully operational throughout, helping to ensure that our communities and businesses remained connected at a time when they needed it the most. CWU members have served their country with distinction and we should take some pride in this achievement.
During this period the work of the Union continued. We have defended our members’ interests, remaining active and resolute in tackling their issues. We have stood up to employers, to management and to politicians and have shown, time and again, that we will always be at our members’ sides when they need us.
Over the coming months, as the restrictions on gatherings start to ease, I look forward to meeting with CWU Branch Officers and as many of our members as possible to identify members’ needs and our priorities across all companies, and to celebrate our achievements to date.
The pandemic and the changing nature of work are creating serious challenges for the whole trade union movement. I want to see our Union prepare for this new future. I want to re-energise our mission and establish a vision and direction for the CWU that will ensure its effectiveness in progressing the interests of communications workers and secure the long-term future of this great Union.
A renewed vision and strategic plan for the CWU will ensure that we continue the good fight to maximise our own influence and grow our membership base. In fronting these challenges, I am committed to working collaboratively with our comrades in the Irish Congress of Trade Unions and UNI Global, making the best use of our resources. Recruiting, organising and worker solidarity are core CWU values which I will support and nurture. I very much look forward to sharing more details on this with you soon.
I am absolutely convinced we will emerge a better Union, strengthened to face the challenges ahead. The ultimate measure is not where we stand when times are good, but how effective we can be in defending the interests of our members, and helping shape the future, in the face of uncertainty and change. I believe the CWU is up to this challenge.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the National Executive Council for their unanimous endorsement of myself as General Secretary of the CWU. I would also like to extend every good wish to my predecessor, Steve Fitzpatrick, on his retirement.
Lastly, I would like to say that I am deeply proud of the opportunity I have been given. I have devoted my life to the Union, and I am ready to take the CWU forward to a new era. We will build a better, stronger CWU that is focussed on ensuring that the pay and conditions of our members are protected and enhanced into the future. I look forward to your support and I have great confidence that, together, we will succeed.
Yours fraternally,
Seán McDonagh
General Secretary