Raise the Roof Public Meeting on Housing: November 23rd – Woodquay Venue, D.8

Raise the roof is organising a public meeting on housing in the Woodquay Venue Dublin 8 on November 23rd at 18.00.

If you would like to attend the meeting, you can register here: https://forms.office.com/r/wur0DaJ3KZ

The following is the list of speakers on the night:
Rebecca Moynihan – Labour Party spokesperson on housing
Bríd Smith – People Before Profit
Catherine Joyce – Irish Traveller Movement
Beth O’Reilly – Union of Students in Ireland
Susan Cummins – IGB housing action group

There will also be an opportunity to hear from the audience. The event will focus on the housing crisis in Dublin, and will hear about some of the actions being taking by politicians and activists to address the crisis.

This event is being organised by Raise the Roof which is a coalition of groups campaigning on housing issues in Ireland. You can learn more about raise the roof here: www.raisetheroof.ie


