An Post has agreed a two-year pay agreement with the Communications Workers’ Union that provides for an 8% increase, paid in three phases.
The first increase of 4% is effective from 1 January 2024, followed by another 3% from 1 January 2025 and a final 1% from 1 June 2025. The agreement will conclude on 31 December 2025.
CWU general secretary Seán McDonagh said the deal covers almost 8,500 workers at An Post and is the highest pay increase agreed at the company in 20 years.
“I believe it is a just reward for the essential contribution of workers at An Post to the transformation of the company,” he added.
“This deal also comes off the back of the Transformation Agreement and pension deal at An Post, all of which have delivered unprecedented improvements in pay and pensions.”
An Post has agreed a two-year pay agreement with the Communications Workers’ Union that provides for an 8% increase, paid in three phases.
The first increase of 4% is effective from 1 January 2024, followed by another 3% from 1 January 2025 and a final 1% from 1 June 2025. The agreement will conclude on 31 December 2025.
CWU general secretary Seán McDonagh said the deal covers almost 8,500 workers at An Post and is the highest pay increase agreed at the company in 20 years.
“I believe it is a just reward for the essential contribution of workers at An Post to the transformation of the company,” he added.
“This deal also comes off the back of the Transformation Agreement and pension deal at An Post, all of which have delivered unprecedented improvements in pay and pensions.”
The Eir pay deal calls for an 11% increase in base pay over 33-months from 1 July 2024 for those earning up to €50,000, and 10% for members earning up to €70,000. The deal is front loaded, delivering 6.5%/5.5% in first 12 months.
Increases in pay will be made in six phases commencing with a 3% increase from 1 July 2024 and a further 1.5% increase from 1 January 2025 and a further 2% increase from 1 July 2025.
The Eir agreement also provides for pay progression for managerial grades which could see increases totalling 13% over the duration of the deal.
McDonagh commented: “The phasing of increases to pay are front loaded to ensure that over 50% of the total increase will be reflected in wages and salaries within 12 months of the agreement commencing.”

The CWU’s delegate conference is taking place in Galway this week and both pay deals are being recommended by the union executive the members.
McDonagh stated: “The pay agreements are the culmination of difficult and protracted negotiations against the backdrop of high inflation, higher interest rates and increased pressures on household budgets for ordinary workers trying to support themselves and their families.
“We had ground to make up which I believe we have in the agreements we are recommending to members.”