CWU Biennial Conference

The 12th Biennial Conference was held on

Wednesday, 17th & Thursday, 18th April 2024 in The Galway Bay Hotel,


Mayor of Galway City, Councillor Eddie Hoare, pictured alongside General Secretary Seán McDonagh,  gave a welcoming address to our 12th Biennial Conference 2024 in The Galway Bay Hotel.
Conference elected a new President, Frank Donohoe  and Vice-President, Tom Sheehan (L-R)







Members can read all reports and presentations by clicking on the links below

The National Executive Council Conference Report

which includes Standing Orders Reports 2024

 is available to read by clicking on the link below:

Biennial Conference Report 2024 

This report contains embedded online links that will redirect you to supporting documentation

The report on the decisions of 12th  Biennial conference 2024

is available to read by clicking on the below link.

 Report on Decisions of 12th Biennial Conference 2024

This report contains all decisions, elections & other relevant information from 12th Biennial Conference 2024.

The President’s Address is available to read by clicking

on the link below:

President’s Address 

Mr Ivor Reynolds (CWU President, 2022-2024)

gave this address to open proceedings

at Biennial Conference 2024

CWU Headquarters would like to thank all the Delegates, Observers, and guests, as well as the staff at The Galway Bay Hotel, for making this a very successful conference. We would also like to thank outgoing President Ivor Reynolds for chairing our conference and his commitment to this Union over many years.