GSG 20-24 Improved CWU Personal Accident Cover Scheme
GSG 20-24 Improved CWU Personal Accident Cover Scheme
Please see below new and improved information on the CWU Personal Accident Scheme cover: New Cover Enhancements Dental Expenses up to €2,500 (Accident only with a €50 excess) Bereavement and Trauma Counselling up to €750 Ticket Cancellation up to €250 (Accident only) AIG Virtual Care (24 Hour virtual doctor, second opinion & mental health coaching) … Continued
GSP 11-24 Worker Director Elections 2024
You will be aware from GSP Circular 06/24 the term of office of the existing Worker Directors in An Post expires on the 31st October 2024. In advance of this the Postal Sectoral Executive decided the CWU strategy i.e., to nominate four candidates consisting of two male and two female candidates and make the fifth … Continued
GSP 10-24 National Route Design Programme
Following on from a report at Conference we have set out below the outcome of the review of the NRDP, and the revised process to apply for the next phase of redesigns which have now commenced. Revised Process: The process timeline extends from 14 weeks to 18 weeks, primarily to address the resequencing issue and … Continued
GSP 09-24 Palestine Motion
At our recent Biennial Delegate Conference in Salthill, Galway, Conference passed a motion regarding the ongoing conflict and genocide in Gaza. The motion called for an understanding that members who have examined their own conscience may wish to abstain from handling Israeli mail and to fully support members in those circumstances, by engaging with An … Continued
GSG 19-24 European Elections 2024 – Ask the Candidates
Local and European elections will be held on the 7th June and meetings are being held for members to meet with European election candidates on issues of importance to trade unionists and to working people. CWU members are welcome to attend the upcoming meetings, organised by SIPTU, at the dates and locations listed below. The … Continued
GSG 18-24 Education Grant Scheme 2024
The Union is pleased to invite applications for our Education Grant Scheme which is open to members and their dependants. For the purposes of the CWU Education Grant Scheme, “dependant” is defined as: A child or adopted child of a member The husband, wife, civil partner, or co-habiting partner of a member; and/or A person … Continued
GSP 08-24 Local and European Election Mailings
I wish to appraise you of the agreed arrangements with An Post for the delivery of the additional Mailings associated with the Local/ European Elections scheduled for Friday the 7th June 2024. Election Material: A delivery schedule is attached to this circular, which identifies the dedicated delivery days for each party. Delivery payment rates for … Continued
GSG 15-24 Postponement of Raise the Roof Rally
Dear Colleague, Further to our circular of 11th April (GSG 14-24), we wish to advise members that the planned Raise the Roof campaign rally scheduled for the 23rd April has been deferred, due to circumstances outside of the campaign’s control. We will advise members of future arrangements. Please bring this update to the attention of … Continued
GSG 14-24 Raise the Roof to hold April 23rd Dáil Rally for Secure and Affordable Homes for All
The Raise the Roof campaign is to hold a Dáil Rally in support of Secure and Affordable Housing for All, on Tuesday April 23rd, 2024. The rally will take place at 5.30pm on April 23 to coincide with the Dáil debate on an agreed opposition party motion that demands a new plan for housing which prioritises … Continued
GSG 12-24 Respect at Work Campaign
The Communications Workers’ Union (CWU), together with SIPTU, Mandate and the FSU, is spearheading a campaign to pressure the Irish Government to do the right thing by protecting and promoting workers’ rights at work. In Ireland, unlike the vast majority of other EU countries, employers can ignore workers who want to collectively bargain through their … Continued
GSG 10-24 Union Training
The Union is pleased to announce our training calendar for 2024 and we are currently seeking nominations for the forthcoming education courses. Branch Secretary Stage 1 Course May 28th, 29th & 30th & 11th & 12th June (5 days) Venue: Union Head Office, Dublin All newly elected Branch Secretaries are required to attend the … Continued
GSE 02-24 Update on eir Pay Negotiations
I wish to update you regarding the status of the ongoing pay negotiations with senior management in eir. As outlined at the AGMs, it is disappointing that progress to finding the basis for an acceptable pay agreement has been slow, even though a clear message of frustration has been delivered by our members in the … Continued
GSG 08-24 Social Media Survey
We are pleased to invite you to complete this brief survey on the Union’s social media offering. The purpose of the survey is to get our members’ feedback on our content, and the use of our various platforms so that we can enhance our service to meet the needs of our membership. To complete the … Continued
GSP 05/24 CWU Regional Officer – Vacancy
I wish to invite applications from members in An Post interested in taking up a position as a CWU Regional Officer. Reporting to the General Secretary, and working collaboratively with the Head Office team, the successful applicant will be responsible for the delivery of professional support to Union Branches and members at Regional level, to … Continued
GSG 07-24 Better in a Trade Union – Video Campaign – Andrew Keehan
Following the launch of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions’ nationwide Better in a Trade Union campaign, members will have seen CWU activities featured across our various social media platforms and at Today, the media focus will be on our own Andrew Keehan of An Post and his testimonial video will be widely circulated … Continued
GSG 05-54 Referendums on Family and Care
On Friday 8th March 2024, we have the opportunity to vote on two referendums, which if passed, will require amendments to our Constitution. This constitutional change was recommended by the Citizens’ Assembly on gender equality in 2021 and also by a special Joint Oireachtas committee in 2022. The Family Referendum The first referendum proposal is … Continued
GSG 06-24 Motions for the Agenda of 12th Biennial Conference 2024
The Standing Orders Committee has examined all Motions received from Branches in accordance with GS Circulars 19/23 and 02/24. Attached please find those Motions which the Standing Orders Committee has deemed are in order. Branches are entitled to submit amendments to these Motions in accordance with Rule 4.1 Biennial Conference. The Standing Orders Committee has … Continued
GSG 04-24 Better in a Trade Union – ICTU campaign
Better in a Trade Union – ICTU campaign Today, the Irish Congress of Trade Unions launched a nationwide campaign Better in a Trade Union, the main focus of which, is to promote the values and benefits of trade union membership. The CWU has played a key role in developing the campaign and bringing this … Continued
GSP 04-24 Referendum Mailings
I wish to appraise you of arrangements agreed with An Post for the delivery of mailings associated with the upcoming Referendums scheduled for the 8th March 2024. Referendum Material: The Referendum Commission will issue an information booklet to be delivered via the standard publicity post service. The payment is 3c per item for the booklet … Continued
GSP 03-24 An Post National Route Design Programme Update
In GS Circular 18/23 I set out the status of the An Post National Route Design Programme, together with the intended next steps for the 2024 schedule. In terms of what has happened since the following offices have also been implemented in January 2024, which completes phase 1. Dundalk Blanchardstown Fonthill Offices already agreed locally, are scheduled … Continued
GSP 01-24 Consolidation of Change Allowance for Cleaners, Patrols & Working Leaders
The Transformation Agreement with An Post includes provision to consolidate 2.5% of the 12.5% Change Allowance into basic pay for Cleaners, Patrols and Working Leaders. This will be done in the same manner as applied previously for Postal Sorters and Post Office Clerks Cleaners and Patrols The pay scales of cleaning and patrols staff will … Continued
GSP 02-24 An Post Transformation Agreement – Clerical Admin/Retail
Dear Colleagues, There have been a number of developments as a result of the An Post Transformation Agreement 2023-2026, which I wish to update you on. Retail Office Conversions Under the Agreement, six Company Retail offices are scheduled to be converted to Postmaster Operated offices. The Company has identified the offices which are: New Ross … Continued
GSG 02-24 12th Biennial Conference 2024
As previously advised, the National Executive Council has set the following dates regarding the submission of Motions, Delegates etc., for the 12th Biennial Conference 2024. Biennial Conference: The 12th Biennial Conference 2024 will be held at the Galway Bay Hotel, The Promenade, Salthill, Galway, on Wednesday 17th & Thursday 18th April 2024. The National … Continued
GSG 01-24 CWU Medical Fund Claims for 2023
I wish to advise of the latest date for receipt of claims for payments under the Medical Fund Scheme claims for 2023. The cut-off date for claiming on receipts dated in the calendar year 2023 is Thursday, 25th January 2024. Members with receipts dated between 1st January 2023 and 31st December 2023 who have not … Continued
GSP 22-23 Cleaners & Patrols
You will be aware from GS Circular 9/23 An Post intend to engage third party suppliers to perform Cleaners and Patrols work. The Union has accepted this as part of the Transformation Agreement on the basis of members having the following options: Retirement at their normal retirement age. Option of moving to other locations in … Continued
GSP 21-23 Pensioners Increase Delay
You will be aware from a previous GS Circular, An Post had received Ministerial Approval to make the agreed Pension increases to Pensioners. At that time An Post advised the Union for staff that retired on or after 1st January 2022 their pension and lump sum increases would have to be individually recalculated. The Company … Continued
GSG 22-23 Closure of Head Office at Christmas & AGMs 2024
I wish to advise you that Head Office will be closed from 1:00 p.m. on Friday, 22nd December 2023 and will re-open at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, 2nd January 2024. With regard to AGMs, in accordance with Rule 3.2.2 of the CWU Rules, Branches are required to hold an AGM each year, before the … Continued
GSP 20-23 An Post Transformation Agreement – Vouchers
You will be aware from GSP Circular No. 17-23 issued on the 28th September 2023, we set out the criteria to be applied, which previously applied for the payment of the COVID voucher. In advance of the company commencing the distribution of the vouchers, the CWU reviewed the impact of applying the criteria on members, … Continued