GSG 21-23 NEC Gender Representation
GSG 21-23 NEC Gender Representation
The National Executive Council decided to conduct a review of the CWU Rules with a view to updating the Rules to ensure we have the most progressive regulation on gender representation for the National Executive Council. To determine best practice to securing gender representation on the National Executive Council of the Communications Workers’ Union, the … Continued
GSE 07-23 Pension Increase
Members will be aware, from previous communications, that eircom Superannuation Scheme rules include a requirement to seek approval from the Minister of Environment, Climate and Communications and the Minister for Finance for permission to apply increases to the pensions in payment. I can now confirm that Ministerial approval for the increase of 2%, effective from … Continued
GSP 19-23 Peak Xmas Arrangements 2023
I wish to advise you of the outcome of discussions with An Post in respect of the resourcing arrangements to apply for this year’s Peak/Xmas pressure period. Essentially the arrangements are the same as last year with the following to apply for 2023: The nationwide commencement date is Saturday 9th December 2023 The overtime package … Continued
GSE 05-23 Cost-of-Living Survey
The cost-of-living crisis continues to be a key feature of the Irish economic landscape and notwithstanding measures that might be introduced in the budget next week, it has had a profound impact on everyone’s standard of living. To accurately assess the impact that cost-of-living increases have had on our members we are urging everyone to … Continued
GSG 19-23 12th Biennial Conference 2024
The National Executive Council has set the following dates regarding the submission of Motions, Delegates etc., for the 12th Biennial Conference 2024. Biennial Conference: The 12th Biennial Conference 2024 will be held at The Galway Bay Hotel, on Wednesday 17th & Thursday 18th April 2024. The National Executive Council has agreed to the opening session … Continued
GSP 18-23 An Post National Route Design Programme
In accordance with the Transformation Agreement, the company commenced the National Route Design Programme, on the 12thJune 2023. The status of the local engagement is outlined in the attachment to this circular, which in summary is as follows: Phase 1 Offices 10 implemented. 6 planned for go-live by the 23rdOctober 2023. 4 in process with a target go-live by the 6thNovember 2023. Phase 2 Offices 4 agreed 12 in process … Continued
GSP 17-23 An Post Transformation Agreement – Voucher
In GS Circular 9/23 we outlined the Union had secured agreement with An Post, the payment of a tax-free €750 voucher, pro rata for part-time staff. The Company agreed this in recognition of the continuing cost of living crises and for ongoing cooperation and support for the company transformation. The agreement provides for payment in … Continued
GSP 16-23 An Post Pension Increases
I refer to GS Circular 14/23 which confirmed that An Post had received Ministerial approval to make the agreed payments to pensioners. Following further engagement with the Company to ensure payment as soon as possible, I am pleased to confirm that all three increases have been processed and paid with the September payment, together with … Continued
GSP 15-23 Voluntary Transfer Policy Mails and Parcels
You will be aware from GS Circular 21/21 the Union concluded agreement on a new Transfer Policy which was implemented with effect, from 15th November 2021. We agreed to review this policy based on experience, which we recently completed with An Post. This review, identified one area of concern in relation to the seniority of … Continued
GSP 14-23 An Post Pension Increases
Further to previous correspondence, I am pleased to confirm that An Post has today received Ministerial approval to pay the agreed increases to Pensioners. This is most welcome for our retired colleagues who have endured an unnecessary delay in receiving the payments secured by the Union. I am satisfied the delay in getting approval from … Continued
GSP 13-23 Clerical Stream Members Feedback Survey
You will be aware from GSG Circular No. 02/22 issued on 7th February 2022, that the National Executive Council agreed to conduct a complete review of all aspects of the Unions’ business as part of the ‘Shaping the Future Union’ strategy. This approach was unanimously endorsed at the Biennial Conference in May 2022. Central to … Continued
GSP 11-23 Pension Increases – An Post
You will be aware, from GS Circular 03/23 issued on the 30th January 2023, of the Union’s efforts to secure restoration of pensionable pay increases. CWU, with the support of AHCPS and Fórsa, have worked hard to protect the viability and sustainability of the Superannuation Schemes. Having done so, we outlined the successful outcome of … Continued
GSP 10-23 An Post Transformation 2023-2026 Agreement
3rd July 2023 You will be aware from GS Circular No 09-23, issued in the 26th May 2023, the redesign of Delivery Service Units commenced on the 12th June 2023. The final mile design of 35 offices will be undertaken on a phased basis at each office over a 14 week period, to have all … Continued
GSG 14-23 New Statutory Work Life Balance Arrangements
Two new rights under the Work Life Balance Miscellaneous Provisions Act 2023 will come into effect from July 3rd. These new provisions are as follows: The extension of breastfeeding breaks from six months to two years The right for parents of children under 12 and carers to take five days’ unpaid leave for medical purposes … Continued
GSG 15-23 CWU Digital Photography Competition 2023
The CWU is pleased to announce our 2023 Digital Photography Competition for all our members. The competition is for amateur photographers and is open for entrants from 3rd July 2023. The First prize is a digital camera and there will also be a number of runners up prizes. For all applicants, please note for … Continued
GSG 13-23 CWU Life and Specified Illness Schemes 2023
Halligans are promoting the CWU Life and Specified Illness schemes from today. There is a six-week entry window open to all new members. In addition, anyone under the age of forty that joins receives 9 MONTHS’ FREE COVER for both Life and Illness. There will also be a Special Draw on 11th July for a Fit Bit … Continued
GSP 09-23 An Post Transformation 2023-2026 Agreement
On the 10th February 2022, I outlined the terms of a two year pay agreement, which was accepted overwhelmingly in a nationwide ballot of members in An Post. Since then, the two-phase pay increases totalling 5% have been paid by An Post, further agreement on improvements to Pension have been achieved. Since the initial pay … Continued
GSG 12-23 CWU Education Grant Scheme 2023
The Union is pleased to invite applications for our Education Grant Scheme which is open to members and their dependants. For the purposes of the CWU Education Grant Scheme, “dependant” is defined as: A child or adopted child of a member The husband, wife, civil partner, or co-habiting partner of a member; and/or A person … Continued
GSG 11-23 CWU Members’ Benefit – Fuel Card
The Communications Workers’ Union regularly explores opportunities to provide added benefits for members. In this regard we have recently concluded agreement for all members, the opportunity to avail of a Fuel Card which provides a 3 cent per litre discount for petrol and diesel at the fuel pump. Members can apply for a fuel card, … Continued
GSG 10-23 Workers’ Memorial Day
The Irish Congress of Trade Unions has for many years been to the fore in marking International Workers’ Memorial Day (IWMD) which takes place every year on the 28th April. This is an important date worldwide for all interested in the safety, health and welfare of people at work and to remember people killed or … Continued
GSG 09-23 Social Benefit Fund – Sickness Benefit Scheme
As outlined in previous correspondence and explained at the CWU Seminar, the Union availed of the services of Fóla Partners to conduct an in-depth review of finances. Furthermore, Dermot O’Malley & Co, arising from the audit of the 2022 accounts identified a number of key issues to be addressed by the NEC. One significant area … Continued
GSE 04-23 Pension Increases
You will be aware, the CWU has secured pensionable increases for staff and pensioners of eir. In response to our further representations for payment of the agreed increases, the Trustees of the eircom Superannuation Fund and the eircom No. 2 Fund have informed us that they have received notice that the Minister for the Environment, … Continued
GSP 08-23 Mileage & Subsistence Rates
I wish to update you in respect of agreement the Union has concluded with An Post to apply increases to mileage and subsistence rates as have been applied to changes in the Civil Service Rates. The revised rates which are effective from 1st September 2022, are set out below: Subsistence Mileage The Company has advised … Continued
GSE 03-23 NRT Payment, Deployment and Drop Points
At the AGMs this year several key issues affecting the former apprentice group were highlighted and the Union undertook to address these with the company. The following was agreed at our April National Executive meeting. NRT Payment Ex apprentices currently in receipt of the €2000 NRT payment will receive a 25% increase to €2500. … Continued
GSP 07-23 Easter Arrangements 2023
28th March 2023: Following discussions with An Post, I can confirm that the arrangements for Easter 2023, which are in the main as applied last year are, in summary, as below. Where there are no deliveries on Good Friday, there is an obligation on Management to ensure sufficient resources are in place to clear on … Continued
GSP 06-23 Disability Policies
28 March 2023 The Union is pleased to advise that An Post have launched a new Reasonable Accommodation Policy, and a newly enhanced Disability Inclusion Policy. These policies have been the subject of discussion through the JCC Diversity Sub-Committee and have been developed with the Group of Unions to ensure that employees with disabilities are … Continued
GSP 05-23 Relocation to EXO Building
I wish to update you regarding An Post’s plan to relocate its Corporate HQ to the EXO premises. In January 2021 the Group of Unions, following a ballot of members on the WRC pay proposal, agreed to co-operate with the Transformation of the Corporate Centre/ Business Support areas through Project Simplify, Transformation and relocation to … Continued
GSP 04-23 Retail Workwear
06 March 2023 The Union recently met with the Company to discuss the ordering process for the retail workwear for the coming year. As part of the engagement, we have highlighted the requirement to provide workwear in a timely manner. To facilitate this, it is imperative that the order forms are completed by Thursday … Continued
GSE 02-23 Defibrillators
3rd March 2023: The CWU welcomes the introduction of the new lifesaving Automated External Defibrillators (A.E.D.s) across eir’s office locations. The following locations will now have access to Defibrillators. City West, Dublin Cherrywood, Dublin Churchfield, Cork Roche’s Street, Limerick Rathedmond, Sligo (Admin Building) Tycor, Waterford The CWU prioritised the provision of Defibrillators through our National … Continued
GSG 08-23 Union Training 2023
27 February 2023: The Union is pleased to announce our training calendar for 2023 and we are currently seeking nominations for the forthcoming education courses. Branch Secretary Stage 1 Course April 25th, 26th, 27th, May 3rd & 4th (5 days) Venue: Union Head Office, Dublin All newly elected Branch Secretaries are required to attend … Continued