Protected: GSG 11-22 CWU Code of Conduct
GSG 10-22 Workers’ Memorial Day
The Irish Congress of Trade Unions has for many years been to the fore in marking International Workers’ Memorial Day (IWMD) which takes place every year on the 28th April. This is an important date worldwide for all interested in the safety, health and welfare of people at work and to remember people killed or … Continued
GSG 09-22 CWU Education Grant Scheme 2022
The Union is pleased to invite applications for our Education Grant Scheme which is open to members and their dependants. For the purposes of the CWU Education Grant Scheme, “dependant” is defined as: A child or adopted child of a member The husband, wife, civil partner, or co-habiting partner of a member; and/or A person … Continued
GSP 10-22 Medical/Drug Refund Schemes and Healthwave
Following a review of the above schemes I wish to appraise you of the outcome of discussions with An Post, as outlined below. Staff in An Post, up to Level 3, are permitted to join the Medical & Drug Refund Schemes, by way of €2 per week membership fee. All staff are enrolled unless … Continued
GSP 09-22 Easter Arrangements 2022
Following discussion with An Post regarding Easter 2022, I can confirm the following arrangements will apply this year. Notwithstanding the further decrease in letter mail volumes the company has prudently decided not to proceed with its intent to cease deliveries on Good Friday this year. This is in response to representations by the Union … Continued
GSG 08-22 Wearing of Face Masks
Since the mask mandate was lifted on 28th February, we have seen the number of COVID cases increase dramatically with around 82,000 cases reported in the last two weeks alone. This increase in case numbers has placed enormous pressure on our healthcare services and the men and women working so hard to protect and care … Continued
GSG 07-22 Ukraine
The Union has been following with growing concern the horrific events that have unfolded in Ukraine and in the proud anti-war tradition of the Irish and international labour movement, we affirm our solidarity with the people of Ukraine and condemn this breach of national sovereignty and peaceful existence. The government of the Russian Federation must … Continued
GSG 05-22 Union Training 2022
The Union is pleased to announce our training calendar for 2022 and we are currently seeking nominations for the forthcoming education courses. Now that COVID restrictions have been lifted the courses will be held at Union Head Office in line with health and safety regulations. Branch Secretary Stage 1 Course April 5th, 6th, … Continued
GSG 04-22 No Woman Left Behind – Women’s Rally
I wish to advise you that the National Women’s Council of Ireland is planning a large-scale rally calling for political leadership and action on the critical issues that face women as part of this year’s International Women’s Day events. The rally entitled #NoWomanLeftBehind will take place outside the Dáil (Kildare St entrance) on Saturday, 5th … Continued
GSG 03-22 11th Biennial Conference 2022
As previously advised the National Executive Council has set the following dates regarding the submission of Motions, Delegates etc., for the 11th Biennial Conference 2022. Biennial Conference: The 11th Biennial Conference 2022 will be held at The Sheraton Hotel, Athlone, on Wednesday 4th & Thursday 5th May 2022. The National Executive Council has agreed to … Continued
GSP 04-22 Easing of COVID 19 Restrictions
On the 21st January 2022 the Government announced the easing of public health measures while at the same time emphasising a continued strong focus on personal protective behaviours, based on individual and sectoral risk assessment. They subsequently published a Transitional Protocol which is a collaborative effort between the Government, the Health and Safety Authority, Trade … Continued
GSE 02-22 eir Fibre Networks Ireland Announcement
You will be aware, eir announced a joint venture partnership with a French investment company, InfraVia Capital Partners for its access fibre broadband network. The new subsidiary company, Fibre Networks Ireland (FNI), will be launched later this year, subject to competition approval. In effect, eir has sold 49% of this valuable asset, the fibre broadband … Continued
GSP 03-22 Easing of Workplace Restrictions
Dear Colleague Following on from the decision by Government to abolish most of the restrictions to curtail the spread of the COVID virus, I wish to update in relation to discussions with An Post on the manner the work place restrictions can be stood down. Although the timing and speed of the decision took many … Continued
GSG 01-22 AGMs 2022
I refer to GS Circular 30/21 issued on 10th December 2021 in relation to the organising of AGMs for 2022. In accordance with the CWU Rules and Constitution, Branches are obliged to hold their AGM before the last day of February, unless permission is granted by Head Office to extend beyond this date. As we … Continued
Protected: GSE 01-22 eir Retail Sunday Premium
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GSP 01-22 HSE Mailings 2022
An Post has been requested by Government to provide a nationwide delivery of antigen test kits on behalf of the HSE, over the seven days of each week throughout the month of January 2022. While recognising the additional demands placed on staff, together with the impact of Covid in our own workplace, the Company and … Continued
GSP 26-21 Special Antigen Mailings
The Company have been requested by the HSE to deliver Antigen Test Kits on Wednesday 29th December 2021, to support the response to expected increase in Covid cases over the Christmas period. The original plan for Wednesday 29th December was for parcel only delivery, to a limited urban footprint (usual Saturday delivery plan). However, … Continued
GSG 31-21 Closure of Head Office at Christmas 2021
I wish to advise you that Head Office will be closed from 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, 23rd December 2021 and will re-open at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday 4th January 2022. However, our staff will continue with remote working until Monday 10th January 2022. On behalf of all the Officers and Staff may we take this … Continued
GSG 30-21 AGMs 2022
In accordance with Rule 3.2.2 of the CWU Rules, Branches are required to hold an AGM each year, before the last day of February. Branches must receive prior permission from Union Head Office to convene an AGM after this date. Obviously, at this time there is again a level of uncertainty as to the … Continued