Protected: GSE 6-21 Launch of eir Policies
GSG 28-21 Medical Fund Claims for 2021
In accordance with the Medical Fund rules and continuing normal practice, a cut-off date for claiming on receipts dated in the calendar year 2021 has been set at Friday 14th January 2022. For the avoidance of doubt, any members with receipts dated between 1st January and 31st December 2021 who have not yet submitted a … Continued
GSG 27-21 Unionlink
We are pleased to be able to offer our members three essential IT courses through our online learning platform Unionlink. These include Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint, which are aimed at those who wish to develop their basic skills with these programs. Microsoft Word is the world’s most used word processing software and with the … Continued
GSG 26-21 Work Safely Protocol
You will be aware the Government, considering, the latest public health advice, has recommended that, everyone should return to working from home, unless it is necessary to attend the workplace in person. The guidance reflects the importance of us all, where possible, to reduce our number of contacts. The phased return to the workplace has, … Continued
GSG 25-21 11th Biennial Conference 2022
You will be aware from previous correspondence that the 11th CWU Biennial Conference will take place on the 4th and 5th May 2022 at the Sheraton Hotel, Athlone. In preparation for the event, I have set out below the business and timeline requirements as decided by the National Executive Council. The Conference will be the … Continued
GSP 22-21 COVID and Social Distancing
In recent weeks we have received a number of enquiries from members in relation to the Social Distancing measures currently in place in An Post premises. The Government has indicated the 22nd October will see the final phase of restrictions lifted and be replaced by guidance and advice. This includes the requirement for Social Distancing. … Continued
GSG 24-21 Documentary on the Telecom Eireann Flotation
I wish to advise you that a Broadstone Films documentary, concerning the story of the Telecom Eireann flotation in 1999, will be broadcast on RTÉ One at 9:30 p.m. on Monday, 4th October 2021. The CWU contributed to this independent production by making a financial donation and providing research material held in the CWU archives. While … Continued
GSG 22-21 Updates to Unionlink
We are pleased to advise you that our online learning platform Unionlink has been upgraded recently and you will find it very user-friendly, with a variety of courses on offer. Please note the following: Digital Photography Course and Competition Our digital photography course is proving to be very popular. This course gives members the basic … Continued
GSG 21-21 Deputy General Secretary
I am delighted to advise you that the National Executive Council has today confirmed the appointment of Mr Ian McArdle, to the position of Deputy General Secretary of the CWU. Ian has a proven track record with over twenty years’ experience as a Trade Union Official. He joined CWU in 2006 as National Officer with responsibility for Organising and Regulatory Affairs … Continued
GSG 19-21 CWU Seminar
You will be aware from GS Circular 06/21 we deferred holding the CWU Seminar, originally planned for April, to take place in Athlone on the 23rd & 24th September 2021. At the time we were hopeful the COVID-19 restrictions would be eased sufficiently to enable the Seminar take place. The objective being to have full engagement, together with celebrating our members trojan efforts throughout the pandemic. … Continued
Protected: GSE 04-21 Annual Leave Process 2021
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GSG 18-21 Unionlink Survey & CWU Digital Photography Competition 2021
As you are aware Unionlink, our online learning platform, has been in operation for some time and provides a variety of courses for members and representatives. At this stage, we would like to hear from our members, by completing this brief survey on what courses you would like to see us offer and how we … Continued
GSG 15-21 Solidarity with Palestine
The oppression of the Palestinian people is one of the most urgent issues facing the world today. Having suffered more than seven decades of displacement and discrimination and over 50 years of military occupation, daily life for people in the occupied West Bank and Gaza is defined by poverty, restrictions, humiliation and murder with impunity. … Continued
GSG 13-21 Communications Workers’ Union appoints new General Secretary
The National Executive Council at its meeting today announced the appointment of Mr Seán Mc Donagh as General Secretary Designate of the union, following the recommendation of an interview panel which was comprised of members of the National Executive Council and overseen by the ICTU. Seán is presently the Deputy General Secretary and he will … Continued
GSG 12-21 Workers’ Memorial Day
The Irish Congress of Trade Unions has taken the lead for many years in marking International Workers’ Memorial Day (IWMD) which takes place every year on the 28th April. This is an important date nationally and worldwide for anyone with an interest in the safety, health and welfare of people at work when we remember … Continued
GSG 11-21 Education Grant Scheme 2021
The Union is pleased to invite applications for our Education Grant Scheme which is open to members and their dependents. For the purposes of the CWU Education Grant Scheme, “dependent” is defined as: A child or adopted child of a member The husband, wife, civil partner or co-habiting partner of a member; and/or A person … Continued
GSG 10-21 Connect – RIP Tributes
The past year has been an extremely difficult year for us all and has been even more so for those of us who have lost loved ones and friends through these difficult months. The normal human responses of paying our respects and celebrating the lives of people have been near impossible due to the pandemic, … Continued