GSG 09-21 Save up to 15% on your Car Insurance
GSG 09-21 Save up to 15% on your Car Insurance
At a recent National Executive Committee meeting the insurance brokers were invited to give a presentation on the schemes they administer on behalf of the CWU. On foot of that meeting Halligan Insurance have announced the delivery of a new motor insurance online scheme. The motor scheme was negotiated through Zurich Insurance, who are one … Continued
GSP 10-21 Easter Arrangements
Following discussions with An Post management regarding the Easter 2021 arrangements to apply this year, I can confirm the following will apply. In response to CWU representations, the Company has confirmed it will not extend the attendances over and above what has traditionally applied on Good Friday. The reasons for this include the further 12% … Continued
GSG 07-21 International Women’s Day
We are pleased to bring your attention to International Women’s Day the theme of which this year is “Choose to Challenge”. International Women’s day is an opportunity for us to recognise women’s achievements in work and society. In line with this year’s theme, it is also a time for us to reflect on the challenges … Continued
GSG 05-21 AGMs 2021 and Branch Accounts
As outlined in GS Circular 32/20 Branches were advised of the two options which the NEC agreed for conducting Branch AGM’s while we are in the midst of the pandemic. It is clear now that it will not be possible to hold meetings or gatherings until at least September. Therefore, it is important that we … Continued
GSP 07-21 Women’s Panel
Re: NEC Postal Courier Sector- Women’s Reserve seat I refer to GSP 01-21 regarding the vacant seat on the women’s panel on the Postal/Courier NEC. An election took place at the Postal Courier Sector meeting on February 4th with the position ratified at the main executive on February 5th. I am pleased to advise that … Continued
GSG 04-21 General Secretary Position
As previously advised in GS Circular 03/21 the National Executive Council have concluded their deliberations and have agreed the procedure for the filling of the position of General Secretary. Please find below a copy of the advertisement: 11th February 2021. Dear Colleagues, The National Executive Council wishes to invite applications from Communications Workers’ … Continued
GSG 03-21 Retirement of General Secretary
At a National Executive Council meeting last Friday, 5th February 2021, I informed the NEC that my contract as General Secretary will be finished near the end of 2021. My reason for informing the Executive so early in the year is to ensure a smooth handover to my successor following my departure. This should hopefully … Continued
GSG 02-21 AGMs 2021
As outlined in GS Circular 32/20 Branches were advised of the two options which the NEC agreed for conducting Branch AGMs while we are in the midst of the pandemic. It is important that we make every effort to ensure the business of the Union is conducted in a timely fashion as set out in … Continued
GSG 01-21 Unionlink Course – Zoom the Basics
The CWU is pleased to introduce our new course on Zoom the Basics which is available on Unionlink our online learning platform. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic we are aware that it is not possible for you to hold AGMs as normal. In that regard virtual meetings will need to be facilitated by Branches and … Continued
GSP 05-21 COVID-19: Health & Safety Measures
As we are well aware at this stage, the COVID-19 pandemic has affected every part of our society and economy. While we have managed to continue to maintain services during this difficult time the priority for the Union at all times is to protect the Health and Safety of our members. The Work Safely Protocol … Continued
GSP 04-21 Role of Safety Representatives during COVID-19
I refer to GS Circular 20/20 in relation to the Return to Workplace Protocol. Following discussions at the Labour Employer Economic Forum and in order to reflect the Governments Resilience and Recovery 2020 – 2021: Plan for Living with COVID-19 a revision of the Protocol has been completed and was published on the 20th November … Continued
GSP 01-21 NEC Postal Courier Sector – Women’s Reserve Seat
As per Union rules the Postal/Courier sector of the National Executive Council has two reserved seats for women. At the last BDC only one female candidate applied and accordingly the other seat was left vacant. This matter was discussed at the National Executive Council meeting on December 11th and it was agreed to seek nominations … Continued
GSG 32-20 Branch AGMs 2021
While there seems to be good news on the horizon in relation to possible vaccines to fight the COVID-19 pandemic, it seems unlikely that the rollout of those vaccines will be concluded until sometime in the early Summer. The knock-on effect of those timelines means that Branch AGMs will have to be adapted to deal … Continued
GSG 31-20 Medical Fund claims for 2020 – Cut Off Date
In accordance with the Medical Fund rules and continuing normal practice, a cut-off date for claiming on receipts dated in the calendar year 2020 has been set at Friday 15th January 2021. For the avoidance of doubt, any members with receipts dated between 1st January and 31st December 2020 who have not yet submitted a … Continued
GSG 30-20 International Men’s Day – November 19th
You may be aware that on November 19th we celebrate International Men’s Day and the important contribution that men make to the world of work, to their family life and to society. The theme for International Men’s Day this year is “Better health for men and boys” and so it is an opportunity to highlight … Continued
GSP 33-20 Medisan Fund
The Union would like to follow-up on a recent Company communication issued to members in relation to the Medisan Fund. This Fund was established to provide financial assistance to employees of An Post and eir who were suffering from a range of serious illnesses, including but not limited to cancer, cardiac diseases, conditions of the … Continued
GSG 27-20 10th Biennial Conference 2020
I wish to take this opportunity to thank all the Delegates who were involved in our recent CWU Conference, which was conducted remotely. The Conference in itself was a huge undertaking with over 300 delegates tuning in remotely. It was a major logistical operation, which could not have been successful without the co-operation of each … Continued