Protected: GSP 32-20 An Post Retail Training
GSG 26-20 10th Biennial Conference 2020
As you will be aware from the contents of GS circular 25/20, the National Executive Council of the Communications Workers’ Union has decided to hold our Biennial Conference remotely online. To that end we have already begun posting out the reports, etc for the conference. Due to the recent restrictions placed on people by Government … Continued
GSG 25-20 10th Biennial Conference 2020
I wish to advise you that the National Executive Council has decided not to proceed with the holding of the physical Biennial Conference in Athlone because of the current Covid-19 uncertainty. In order to ensure the business of conference is completed the NEC has agreed to the holding of a remote conference for the 10th … Continued
Protected: GSE 10-20 eir Flu Vaccine Programme
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GSG 24-20 CWU Digital Photography Competition – Closing Date Extended
We are pleased to advise that due to the high number of entrants we have extended the closing date for the competition to October 9th. We have also increased the number of runner up prizes. Please note that the competition is open only to those who have completed our digital photography course on Unionlink As … Continued
GSP 27-20 An Post Worker Director Elections 2020
You will be aware from a previous GS Circular the CWU has nominated five candidates to contest the election for the five Worker Director positions on the Board of An Post. This Union’s nominations are: Frank Burke CWU DMC, Dublin Anthony McCrave CWU Dundalk DSU William Mooney … Continued
GSG 22-20 National Appeal
The NEC received a hardship claim from the Portlaoise District Branch for one of their members and on an exceptional basis have agreed to the holding of a national collection. The member of the Portlaoise District Branch has suffered extreme personal family issues in the last few months. At present the members is in hospital … Continued
GSP 25-20 Worker Director Elections
I refer you to GS Circular 19-20 relating to the Worker Director Elections at An Post. I wish to confirm the National Executive Council has agreed the nomination of the following CWU candidates to contest the Election at An Post under the Worker Participation (State Enterprises) Act 1977–2001. Communications Workers’ Union – Nominations Frank … Continued
GSP 22-20 Worker Director Elections 2020
I wish to advise you of the outcome of the ballot for nominations for the position of Worker Director at An Post. The successful candidates are Gerry Sexton, Frank Burke, Martina O’Connell and Willie Mooney. A huge thank you must also go to our past Worker Directors, Tommy Devlin, Noel Adamson and Niall Phelan, who … Continued
GSG 18-20 CWU Digital Photography Competition
The CWU is pleased to introduce our first ever Digital Photography Competition for all of our members. The competition is open to those who have completed our digital photography course on Unionlink so this is an ideal opportunity for members to learn a new skill. The competition is for amateur photographers and there are many … Continued
GSP 19-20 Worker Director Elections in An Post 2020
The term of office of the existing Worker Directors in An Post expires on the 31st October 2020 and the election process will shortly be initiated for a new term of office. The Postal Sectoral Executive wishes to proceed with the selection of candidates. Accordingly, Branches are requested to nominate members for consideration by the … Continued
GSP 17-20 COVID-19 and on-the-job Training Requirements
The Union has been in discussion with the Company in relation to the provision of on the job training in the context of COVID-19 and the following has been agreed. Mails and Parcels The DSM to engage immediately with the local Branch in relation to the training requirements for the remainder of the year. … Continued
GSG 17-20 CWU Gesture to Frontline Health Workers
Over the coming days, CWU representatives from various Branches across the country will be delivering a donation of over 5,000 tubes Aloe Propolis Cream to Frontline Nursing staff in over 25 Hospitals across the country. Since the COVID-19 crisis commenced, the Finance Sub Committee of the National Executive Council have been in receipt of numerous … Continued
GSG 16-20 Remote Branch Committee Meetings
The union acknowledges that it is not possible for branch committees to have their usual face-to-face meetings during the COVID emergency. Nonetheless it is important that branches meet remotely to continue their union duties and we are advising two options to facilitate this. 1. Microsoft Teams We recommend that branch committees use Microsoft Teams in … Continued