GSG 15-20 CWU Education Grant Scheme
GSG 15-20 CWU Education Grant Scheme
We refer to GS circular 04/20 in relation to the CWU Education Grant Scheme. You will be aware that due to the COVID crises all Gaeltacht courses for this summer 2020 have been cancelled and accordingly the CWU draw for this award has also been cancelled. Following a discussion with the CWU Education Committee it … Continued
GSG 15-20 Education Grant Scheme
We refer to GS circular 04/20 in relation to the CWU Education Grant Scheme. You will be aware that due to the COVID crises all Gaeltacht courses for this summer 2020 have been cancelled and accordingly the CWU draw for this award has also been cancelled. Following a discussion with the CWU Education Committee it … Continued
GSG 12-20 CWU Conference 2020
Today, Wednesday 15th April, the National Executive Council held a meeting by video-conference to take some key decisions in relation to the recently postponed CWU Biennial Conference. The Rules & Constitution of the Communications Workers’ Union, like most organisations, don’t have any provisions to cover the impact on operations which the COVID-19 crisis has had. … Continued
GSG 11-20 COVID-19
The National Executive Council met today, Wednesday 15th April, to discuss ongoing impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on our members. Prior to the debate, it was unanimously agreed that I should, on behalf of the NEC and Union Officials, pass on my thanks and congratulations to our members for all the work you have done … Continued
GSP 12-20 An Post Mail Services COVID-19
You will be aware from the previous updates that CWU and An Post review daily the operation of Postal services in the context of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Everything we do is predicated on the strict adherence to the medical advice and HSE guidelines for: Social Distancing Regular hand washing Coughing etiquette Our work is important, … Continued
GSE 03-20 COVID-19 Update
Following the government’s announcement on Friday 27/03/2020 the CWU would like to remind/inform members of the following: 1. Telecommunications is classed as an essential service and “must be operated within public health guidelines” 2. Social Distancing is essential. We know that the required distance (2m) can be difficult to achieve in home or on some … Continued
GSP 11-20 Easter Arrangements Branch Offices 2020
I wish to advise you of the agreed Easter Retail Branch Office arrangements and the modified plan for this year. The rationale for the departure from previous years, is that it creates the opportunity for Counter staff to have a long-weekend break, giving a well-earned breather in these unprecedented times, while maintaining essential services to … Continued
GSP 10-20 Connecting with the Community
You will be aware from the previous updates the CWU and An Post review daily the operation of Postal services in the context of the Covid 19 Pandemic. Everything we do is predicated on the strict adherence to the medical advice and HSE guidelines for: Social Distancing Regular hand washing Coughing etiquette Our work is … Continued
GSE 02-20 COVID-19: Retail & Feet on the Street
Over the last three weeks, the Union has engaged almost daily with eir in relation to COVID-19 safety concerns on behalf of our members. We are working to ensure our members can continue to work safely in their current environments, in both the Retail Shop area and also Feet on the Street (FOTS). It became … Continued
GST 01-20 COVID-19 Update for KN/KNIS Members
The union has been dealing with queries from our KN members in relation to concerns arising from the current COVID 19 crisis. As you may be aware and following the recent government restrictions KN is categorised as an essential service provider. This means that you, our members, are providing a service that is critical and … Continued
GST 02-20 KN Rep Information Details
All please see names and details of local area representatives. As discussed at the AGM the structure of the KN Branch needs to reflect the whole country (some areas are over represented). Therefore, throughout the coming months we will be attempting to encourage individuals to become a rep in areas that have no representation. The … Continued
GSG 09-20 Unionlink
During these unprecedented times, it is important for us as a Union that we maintain contact with our members and continue to offer vital services. One of those services is our online learning platform Unionlink. In a time of social distancing or being house bound it is important to keep the mind active. In that … Continued
GSG 08-20 COVID-19 Update
The CWU Officials have, over the last few weeks, dealt with the different employers in order to establish how each business would operate during this unprecedented crisis and the impact on members in the various workplaces. We have approached those negotiations with the employers on the basis that our first priority at all times must … Continued
GSE 01-20 COVID-19 Pandemic
The Union has been working with eir management on its plans and contingencies to deal with the evolving and unprecedented viral outbreak of COVID-19. A key objective for the CWU is the wellbeing and safety of our members. This must be balanced with the demands of operating and maintaining a critical piece of the country’s … Continued
GSG 07-20 10th Biennial Delegate Conference 2020
At the National Executive Council meeting held on Wednesday 11th March 2020, the NEC gave authority to the General Secretary to make any decision in relation to the upcoming Biennial Delegate Conference due to be held on 6th May 2020. Due to the ongoing pandemic crisis with COVID-19, the General Secretary has decided to postpone … Continued
GSG 06-20 Continuity of service to our members
At this unprecedented time the CWU is determined to maintain continuity of services to our members across Ireland, through our office, staff and technology. The well-being of both our members and employees are of the upmost importance to us and we have developed a number of protocols which will assist us in delivering service to … Continued
GSG 06-20 COVID-19: Continuity of Service to our Members
At this unprecedented time the CWU is determined to maintain continuity of services to our members across Ireland, through our office, staff and technology. The wellbeing of both our members and employees are of the utmost importance to us and we have developed a number of protocols which will assist us in delivering service to … Continued
GSP 06-20 COVID-19 Pandemic
Arising from the government’s announcement yesterday, the Union has been working with An Post management in its plans to deal with what is recognised as an evolving crisis that is unprecedented in living memory. From the CWU perspective, the objective must be the wellbeing of our members, while maintaining continuity of services to the public … Continued
GSG 04-20 CWU Education Grant Scheme 2020
The Union is pleased to invite applications for our Education Grant Scheme which is open to members and their dependants. For the purposes of the CWU Education Grant Scheme, “dependant” is defined as: A child or adopted child of a member The husband, wife, civil partner or co-habiting partner of a member; and/or A person … Continued
GSG 02-20 Union Training 2020
The Union is pleased to announce our training calendar for 2020 and we are currently seeking nominations for the forthcoming education courses. Branch Secretary Stage 1 Course March 31st, April 1st, 2nd, 7th & 8th (5 days) Venue: Union Head Office, Dublin All newly elected Branch Secretaries are required to attend the Stage 1 … Continued
Protected: GSP 04-20 Cork Mails Centre Closure
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GSP 03-20 Arrangements for General Election Material 2020
You will be aware the government has set the date for a General Election for Saturday 8th February 2020. Because of the relatively short notice and challenging timeline the Union has agreed to the Company proposal the same arrangements will apply as for the most recent elections. Election Material A delivery schedule will be provided … Continued