GSE 07-24 Parent’s Leave Update



As part of budget 2024, Parent’s Leave has been extended as of August 1st from 7 weeks to 9 weeks.

Accordingly, Parent’s Leave allows for each parent to take 9 weeks leave during the first 2 years of a child’s life, or in the case of adoption, within 2 years of the placement of the child.

Furthermore, employees may qualify for Parent’s Benefit which is €274 each week. We are pleased to advise that, following representations from the CWU, the company has confirmed that they will

continue to pay employees taking parent’s leave a “top-up” to the benefit, which is a very positive result.

We wish to advise that we have a comprehensive section on the union website covering this and other key pieces of employment legislation and would ask that you bring this to our members’ attention as follows:

 GSE 07-24 – Employment Rights Poster


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