GSG 01-24 CWU Medical Fund Claims for 2023



I wish to advise of the latest date for receipt of claims for payments under the Medical Fund Scheme claims for 2023. The cut-off date for claiming on receipts dated in the calendar year 2023 is Thursday, 25th January 2024.

Members with receipts dated between 1st January 2023 and 31st December 2023 who have not yet submitted a Medical Fund claim, must do so before Thursday, 25th January 2024.

Members are also reminded that they may submit only one claim in each category in the calendar year. For clarity, if your receipt has not exceeded the claim limit in the specific category and you submit a Medical Fund claim, you cannot submit a second claim in the same category in the same calendar year.

There can be no exceptions to the above.

Please circulate this to all members who are in the CWU Medical Fund in your Branch/Section.


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