GSG 02-21 AGMs 2021



As outlined in GS Circular 32/20 Branches were advised of the two options which the NEC agreed for conducting Branch AGMs while we are in the midst of the pandemic. It is important that we make every effort to ensure the business of the Union is conducted in a timely fashion as set out in the rules. It is equally important we ensure members are provided with the opportunity to communicate with their Branch Representatives and to hear about the working of the Union in the past and coming year.  A number of branches have already opted to hold their AGM remotely using zoom with the assistance of headquarters.

The two options are:

  1. Postpone the AGM for a defined period i.e. until May 1st
  2. Conduct AGMs remotely

In order to plan for all eventualities and to ensure support is provided to all Branches planning to have a remote AGM, Branches are asked to indicate by 12th February 2021 what option they are going to avail of. If using the remote options Branches should indicate if they would like an official from Head Office attend their AGM. Any requests should be sent to Pat Kenny

Branches are also reminded of the requirement of Rule 3.2.3 which states the following:

The Branch Treasurer shall, as soon as possible after the 31st December each year, prepare a financial statement of the incomes and expenditure of the Branch for the twelve months ending 31st December, which statement shall be submitted by the Secretary to the Branch Committee and to the Annual General Meeting of the Branch, and a copy of which shall be sent to the General Secretary

Our auditors have advised us to remind Branches of this requirement and also that they will be carrying out checks to ensure their return and accuracy etc.

Branches are requested, regardless of which option they avail of, to finalise accounts in line with rule 3.2.3 which should then be sent to Union Headquarters. The Accounts can then be agreed at the AGMs regardless of whether the AGM is held remotely or at a future date.  All financial reports should be sent to Fan Ryan

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