GSG 04-25 NEC Decision – Branch Rationalisation
In February 2022, the National Executive Council (NEC) commenced a complete review of the existing branch structures with the objective of responding to the emerging profile of membership. The NEC felt a review was needed, as the current structures have been in place for many years. The aim of the review was to maintain connectivity with workplace representatives and to provide better support to members.
Following an extensive consultation process, the NEC decided an agreed approach, the rationale and specific details are summarised below, which are a follow-on to the revised structures already implemented in eir and the Postal Managers.
An Post Clerical
The NEC decided to establish a Regional Clerical Branch Structure which, aligned to the Dublin Postal Clerks Branch, will provide a more centralised and effective structure from a Clerical viewpoint. This will enable a renewed focus, enhancing and supporting the representation offered to members that is already in place.
In deciding to establish an eTech Branch the NEC has provided a structured forum for members organised in the tech, digital, eComms and related sectors that currently does not exist. The new Branch supports the Organising strategy.
Postal Branch
The agreed revised Provincial Postal Branch Structure, outlined in the attachment to this circular, is primarily based on the county structure, as proposed by the NEC and most favoured by Branches. It is aligned to the DSU geographical sites, company management structures and also supports the retention of the CWU Regional Officer resourcing.
To give effect to the agreed changes, the local consultation process will commence shortly. I expect that implementation of the revised structures should be completed within the next six months and every support from Head Office and the appropriate Regional Officers will be made available to ensure a successful implementation. Template Standing Orders, appropriate to the new Provincial Postal Branches, will be provided along the very same lines as previous amalgamations to ensure balance.
In addition, Head Office will oversee the establishment of the eTech Branch, with the first step being to contact the members involved.
In respect of the new Regional Clerical Structure, the Clerical subgroup of the NEC will progress the changes.
I want to thank all the Branches that have engaged with the process over the years by making submissions or providing feedback during the consultation process, which has helped us arrive at this conclusion. These changes are substantial and have been the subject of careful consideration and examination by the NEC. I believe they will serve the CWU very well over the coming years, as we continue to provide the most effective representation we can, for all of our members.
GSG 04-25 Attachment GS re Rationalistation