GSG 10-18 CWU Youth Committee AGM
The CWU Youth Committee will be holding its AGM at 2.30pm on Saturday 6th October in Union Head Office, addressed by myself and CWU President, Mike O’Connor.
For young members who have thought about becoming more active but are unsure of what the Trade Union movement does and their role within it, this is the ideal opportunity for them to find out more. We are asking that all branches, where possible, endeavour to send a delegate to the open day.
For attendees travelling from outside Dublin, accommodation will be available and the equivalent cost of public transport to the event will be covered by the Union.
Anyone interested in either position of Chair or Vice-Chair is invited to put their names forward for nomination. Nomination forms for the position of Chair and Vice-Chair can be requested in advance of the AGM from and should be returned no later than Wednesday 3rd October.
In the event that no nominations are received, nominations will be accepted from the floor on the day.
This event is open to all in benefit members under the age of 35. Further queries can be directed to Ruairí Creaney on 01 866 3029 or by email at