GSG 24-24 Organiser – Digital Organiser Appointments



You will be aware from GS circular 03/24, the Union invited applications for the positions of:

  • Digital Organiser
  • Organiser

At the Biennial Delegate Conference in Galway, we outlined there was significant interest and candidates of a very high standard, which reflects on the good standing the CWU has in the Organising community and trade union movement in general.

Following a comprehensive assessment and interview process I am very pleased to confirm the successful candidates below, with their appointments endorsed by the National Executive Council:

Digital Organiser – Siobhan Kenny

Siobhan is a recent graduate, having worked in the Department of Foreign Affairs, with qualifications in Advertising and Marketing (First Class Honours) and a distinction in Journalism and Digital Media.

This is a new role for the CWU and a recent area of development in the trade union movement.  We plan to work with other unions on a training programme and to look at best practice to develop this area for the CWU.

Siobhan will play an important role for us in developing our online presence, connecting the CWU with potential and existing members and supporting how we communicate with members and the public.

Organiser – John Bohan

As an Organiser with the Financial Services Union (FSU) for the last two years, John has been involved in the tech organising work the FSU has recently undertaken.

He has experience at using various digital tools in organising as well as traditional approaches, including surveys, creating and executing organising plans targeting specific companies.

Organiser – Shane Murphy

As an ‘internal’ appointment, Shane has a proven track record operating in the Vodafone Branch and on the National Executive Council.

He also has experience in organising and recruitment across a range of companies within the Union and has driven the organising agenda within the Vodafone Branch, as well as contributing to the overall Union strategy via the Organising Sub-committee of the NEC.

I regard the above appointments to be a very significant investment in our future, with the successful candidates contributing to the development and implementation of the CWU organising and membership growth strategy.

Furthermore, under the Respect at Work Campaign, working with other Unions, ICTU and UNI Global, the movement’s focus in the upcoming General Election is the successful transposition of the EU Directive on Adequate Minimum Wages, which must include protections for Union activists against dismissal and victimisation, as well as  facilities for Union Representatives to carry out their role and the workers right to be represented by a Union.

Separately, I have commenced a review of our overall strategy to ensure we maximise our potential, achieve best return from resources, together with ensuring we have the best available talent for succession planning.

I will revert to you in the autumn regarding the outcome of the review, but in the meantime, I know that you will join with me in welcoming Siobhan, John and Shane into our Union and wish them well in their new role.


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