GSG 30-21 AGMs 2022
In accordance with Rule 3.2.2 of the CWU Rules, Branches are required to hold an AGM each year, before the last day of February. Branches must receive prior permission from Union Head Office to convene an AGM after this date.
Obviously, at this time there is again a level of uncertainty as to the restrictions that may or may not be in place due to Covid. Nonetheless, it is imperative that we make the necessary plans to convene the AGM’s to the timeframe above. If necessary, we will have technological support in place to conduct these virtually.
To enable the Officials/NEC members attend as many AGMs as is possible, it would be appreciated invitations to attend your AGM are submitted to Union Headquarters by 14th January 2022. (Please email
Branches are also reminded of the requirement of Rule 3.2.3 which states the following
The Branch Treasurer shall, as soon as possible after the 31st December each year, prepare a financial statement of the incomes and expenditure of the Branch for the twelve months ending 31st December, which statement shall be submitted by the Secretary to the Branch Committee and to the Annual General Meeting of the Branch, and a copy of which shall be sent to the General Secretary
All financial reports should be sent to Fan Ryan at
An Post Worker Directors are also available to attend Postal AGMs and can be contacted as follows:
Frank Burke 087 225 7830
Anthony McCrave 086 805 8237
Willie Mooney 087 751 9239
Martina O’Connell 087 938 7629
Gerry Sexton 086 301 3600