GSP 18-24 National Route Design Programme



Following the report to Biennial Delegate Conference we set out in GSP 10-24 issued in May, the revised process to apply for the next phase of redesigns under the An Post National Route Design Programme. As a follow up I have outlined below the progress made with a number of issues.

NDRP Programme 2024

The schedule of redesigns for 2024 is attached, which confirms accelerated progress of implementation.

Loss of Allowances-Compensation  

I am pleased to advise An Post has confirmed the payment of the compensation due to members arising from the loss of allowances following implementation of the agreed changes. The attached schedule sets out the payment dates for offices that have gone live and provisional payment dates for the DSUs due to go live later this year. Likewise for the offices scheduled for implementation in 2025.

Payment of 3% Change Allowance

Members will be aware the Transformation Agreement provides for payment of a 3% Change Allowance, effective from the 1st July 2024. This payment, which is linked to the cooperation with the company National Route Design Programme is due to be paid to Postal Operatives and Indoor Administrative Operatives based in DSUs that do not have a change allowance. An Post has confirmed to the Monitoring Group and the Union, that the conditions to enable payment under the Transformation Agreement had been met.  Consequently, arrangements to pay the increase backdated to the 1st July 2024 will now be made.

The company advise that for operational reasons associated with the company HRMS & Payroll Project changes the increase and retrospection will be paid in October 2024.

The achievement by the Union in securing the 3% increase is an important milestone in so far as it is the first phase towards consolidation of 5% in the time frame set out in the agreement.

Please bring the content of this circular to the attention of all members.

Attachment re GSP18-24 National Route Design Programme

Attachment re GSP18-24 National Route Design Programme (2)


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