GSP 27-24 Arrangements for General Election 2024



On Friday afternoon, the Government finally confirmed the date for the General Election, which takes place on Friday 29th November 2024. This is a short lead in period and takes place in the lead up to the commencement of the busiest operational period for the company and staff. In response to the very significant challenge this presents and in recognition of the positive impact on the company finances, the Union and the Company have agreed the following arrangements.

Election Material-Delivery

It is envisaged arrival of the election material ( Litir um Thoghchan) will commence to the indicative attached draft schedule, which is subject to printing etc. Delivery of the items should commence on Tuesday 12th November and to be completed no later than Tuesday 26th November 2024. Given the tight timeline, it will not be possible to provide exclusive delivery dates for any individual party/candidate. Therefore, unlike previous elections, delivery of the various mailings can be done together.

Polling Cards

Delivery of polling cards should take place as soon as the items are available which are also due to commence arrival in DSUs next week. It is imperative all polling cards are delivered at least two full days before polling day.

Payment Rates

First seven parties and polling cards paid as follows:

  • Non-Unique address points 21c per household
  • Unique address points 18c per household

For each subsequent candidate mailing 6c per household.

Essentially delivery staff will be paid the higher rates (21c/18c) for 8 postings delivered, inclusive of the polling cards and an additional 6c for each additional posting. The CAD database will be used for validation purposes. Payments on completion for total items delivered will be made in December.

The Union has secured an increase in the previous pay rates, notwithstanding less delivery time will be required for this election, where the items can be delivered together. In line with commitments made at conference additional payments will apply for non -unique address points, in recognition of the preparation requirements.

As stated above, this is an important contract for An Post and all members are requested to cooperate fully with the agreed arrangements. Should there be delays in arrival of the postings or where individuals are unable to cope with the volume, Branches should in the first instance seek to address this with the DSM.

I would appreciate if you would bring this circular to the immediate attention of all members in final mile operation.

Attachment to GSP 27-24 Arrangements for General Election 2024

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